GeoCatch has sourced a suite of experts to support pet owners transition their dogs and cats indoors for Pets’ Night In.
Held on National Pet Day, Monday 11th April, Pets’ Night In asks pet owners to pledge to keep their pets inside or contained to protect pets and wildlife.
“Keeping pets indoors and contained to the property is fast becoming a social norm in Geographe Bay Catchment,” said GeoCatch project Officer Nicole Lincoln.
“Transitioning a pet who is used to being outside or roaming can be a real challenge to behaviour change.
“That’s why we have enlisted experts like dog trainer Asher Lindberg from Geo Bay Dog Training and cat behaviourist Dr Heather Crawford from Murdoch University to support pet owners make the change – for the good of their pet and our precious wildlife,” Nicole said.
The RSPCA is a strong supporter of responsible pet ownership and has endorsed the Pets’ Night In event.
“Pets’ Night In is an opportunity to renew my commitment to being a responsible dog owner and help get the word out that keeping cats and dogs contained is the right choice for wildlife, community and your much-loved pet,” said RSPCA South West inspector Genna Haines.
If you need support transitioning your cat or dog, check out the Pets Away, Possums Play page on the GeoCatch website. It includes fact sheets and videos on designing catios, containing cats to your backyard, transitioning your cat to indoor living, possum avoidance training for dogs legal obligations and possum friendly fencing, as well as links to the RSPCA Guide to Keeping Your Cat Safe and Happy at Home, the South West Catchments Council’s Responsible Pet Pawrent program and other best practice resources.
Pets Night In’ invites pet owners to keep their cat inside or in a catio for 24 hours, and their dog either indoors or contained at night. The event is supported by local film and TV actor Myles Pollard, Vasse Vets, Heritage Vet Hospital, GeoVet, and Busselton Vet Hospital, City of Busselton, RSPCA and SAFE Busselton. Make the pledge today at
This project is delivered by GeoCatch through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, in partnership with South West Catchments Council.